Formula 1 distances itself from Ecclestone: 'Hasn't played a role for years'


26 June 2020 at 18:52
Last update 26 June 2020 at 18:57

Bernie Ecclestone spoke out this week about Lewis Hamilton and the racism debate that the world champion started in Formula 1. He made a number of controversial statements which the F1 organisation now officially distances itself from.

Ecclestone said in an interview with CNN, among other things, that black people are in many cases more racist than white people and that he didn't think Hamilton would let what has been said to him in the past drive him crazy. His complete statements can be read here.

Because Ecclestone's name will always be linked to Formula 1, the sport felt compelled to waive his statements in an official statement. They want to emphasize that Bernie is absolutely no longer officially involved in the sport.

“At a time when unity is needed to tackle racism and inequality, we completely disagree with Bernie Ecclestone’s comments that have no place in Formula 1 or society. Mr Ecclestone has played no role in Formula 1 since he left our organisation in 2017, his title Chairman Emeritus, being honorific, expired in January 2020."

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