Brawn looks for alternative methods to keep double races exciting


19 June 2020 at 12:18

Despite the fact that Liberty Media's idea to make the double headers more exciting in the coming season has been shot down, Ross Brawn thinks that the GP of Austria will be very exciting.

An extraordinary situation calls for extraordinary solutions. This is evident from the calendar for Formula 1 presented by Liberty Media. To make sure there are enough races, two races will be organised at the Red Bull Ring and at Silverstone.

To make sure that there aren't two identical races on the program, Liberty Media wanted to adapt the race by using a reversed grid. "We were particularly concerned about a situation where we were offering two races on the same track, such as Silverstone and the Red Bull Ring. There may be more to come. We wanted to offer an alternative option for that second race," explained Ross Brawn in an interview at the FIA eConference 2020.

No unanimous decision

Those plans just didn't go through, because not every team agreed with the idea. "We discussed reversed grids last year. At that time there was broad support for the idea, but not enough for a unanimous decision. The same goes for this year. There are a few teams who don't think it's a good idea."

Despite the roadblock for the plans, the top man of Formula 1 is looking forward to the first race of the season in two weeks' time. "It's going to be a very exciting race. It is finally the start of the season, the location of the circuit is good and all teams will have to get used to it again. Even without reversed grids I think we will have two exciting races. For double headers later in the year we're going to look at adjusting", Brawn says.