Alesi has to sell his Ferrari to let son race in Formula 2


9 June 2020 at 12:59
Last update 9 June 2020 at 13:21

In Formula 1, a budget cap will be introduced from 2021 to reduce the rising costs, but in Formula 2 it might be just as bad. This is what Jean Alesi says after having had to sell his Ferrari F40.

''Formula 2 is going to be a nightmare this year with all those races so close together. We have talked about a budget cap, but nothing has been decided for Formula 2. That will mean that a lot of drivers won't be able to finish the season with their team and that's disastrous'', says Alesi opposite Sky Sports.

Alesi sells his Ferrari

However, son Giuliano Alesi is lucky with his father, who sacrificed his Ferrari to pay for his son's career. ''I am very disappointed. I'm a former Formula 1 driver with many connections, but I had to sell my Ferrari F40 to let my son race in F2. Finding sponsors is not possible at the moment'', says the Frenchman.

So next season Giuliano will be active in Formula 2, but the situation makes it clear that even the step-up class of Formula 1 is not financially viable. Teams now choose drivers with money instead of talent. The call to reduce costs in all these classes is getting bigger and bigger.