FIA soon announces new supplier of tyre warmers


4 June 2020 at 09:07
Last update 4 June 2020 at 12:43

As soon as the new rules of 2022 come into force, there will also be new rules concerning tyre warmers. At first they would be banned from Formula 1, but a new solution has been found.

Earlier this year the FIA issued a so-called 'tender', for which suppliers of tyre warmers can apply to the FIA to serve as suppliers of all Formula 1 teams. The contract ends this week and it is expected that the new supplier will be announced in early July.

New tyres

The exclusive new supply contract will come into effect in 2022, when the F1 teams will also start with completely new cars and 18-inch tyres. The contract will enter into force for 2022 and 2023. After that Formula 1 also has an option to continue the contract for 2024 and 2025.

The winner of the 'tender' will have to submit a clear plan to the FIA, who in this way also hope to gain more insight into the things F1 teams do with the tyre warmers. The tyre warmers will come into action for the first time during the Abu Dhabi test at the end of 2021, where Pirelli's new tyres will also be tested.