
Hamilton gets out: "With a color, I'm once again on my own''

1 June 2020 at 07:29

George Floyd's death has caused quite a stir in America. The African-American died after a policeman pushed his knee on Floyd's neck for too long. This does not go unnoticed in Formula 1 either.

Despite the fact that Floyd was handcuffed, policeman Derek Chauvin leaned on Floyd's neck for more than eight minutes. After six minutes the African-American became unconscious and was eventually transported by ambulance to the hospital. Not much later, however, he was declared unconscious.

Unnecessary death

Because Floyd's death was filmed, this caused many demonstrations and riots in Minneapolis. It is the drop in the ocean for many residents who have been trying for some time to make it clear that there is racism among the police, which soon makes Afro-Americans the victims of senseless police violence.

Lewis Hamilton is a man who often makes himself heard about these kinds of things, and in this case, too, a reaction from the British to his social channels is not lacking. ''I see those who are quiet right now. Just when you're supposed to be standing up as a star, it's those people who are quiet. Nobody in my sport is making any noise. Of course this is a white dominated sport'', Hamilton comments on Twitter.

Hamilton stands alone

Hamilton says he feels alone. ''I'm the only one in my sport with a colour and once again I feel like I'm on my own. I thought you'd see what's going on and say something now, but you can't stand next to us. But know that I know who you are and I see you'', concludes Hamilton.

After his message, Hamilton didn't stay alone for long in his reaction, as Charles Leclerc and Lando Norris also responded on Twitter under the hashtag #blacklivesmatter. Both expressed their support for the actions and hoped that their message would bring more attention to the situation.