NOS confirms: F1 season will start on 5 July in Austria


29 May 2020 at 18:35
Last update 29 May 2020 at 18:52

The 2020 Formula 1 season will officially start on 5 July with a race without an audience in Austria. According to the NOS.


It's been hanging in the air for some time, but the high word is out: The Formula 1 season is really going to start on July 5th. In addition, a week later the second round of the championship will take place on the same circuit.


Never before has an F1 season started with two races on the same circuit. But because F1 is still aiming for a calendar with at least fifteen races, it is important that some circuits are visited twice.

There is also talk about the possibility to allow a small amount of people to fill the stands as an audience. In the short term it will also be known what the rest of the season will look like.