Todt relies on reason at Ferrari and is not afraid of veto

F1 News

23 May 2020 at 15:26

As a result of the corona crisis, the planned budget ceiling will be further reduced in the coming years. The teams agreed on this last Friday. At least, a number of teams were not in favour of this, including Ferrari. However, Jean Todt is not afraid that the Italian race stable will use their veto for this.

Even within the current rules, Ferrari can still be the only one to veto announced rule changes if they don't like something. Given the fierce criticism of this right and the situation in the world, FIA President Todt doesn't think Ferrari will use it now. Despite the fact that as a manufacturer and engine supplier they would have liked to have an exceptional position on some of the far-reaching measures for the new budget ceiling.

"I hope everyone will act wisely in the current situation so that we can do the best for Formula 1, the participants, the promoters, the authorities and the fans. I respect Ferrari for their history and contribution and I am sure that they will continue to contribute to what we are building now", said Todt to Sky Sports.

In addition to Ferrari, Red Bull Racing was also not in favour of further budget limits. However, since the corona crisis, teams no longer have to agree unanimously before new regulations are approved. A majority is now sufficient and negotiations on a further reduction of the budget ceiling have therefore accelerated.