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Plooij after victory Verstappen in Barcelona: "Perhaps a little regret"

14 May 2020 at 20:00

It is exactly four years ago on Friday that Max Verstappen won his first Grand Prix victory during his debut for Red Bull Racing. Tomorrow GPBlog will pay extensive attention to this, among other things by letting various Formula 1 connoisseurs talk about how they experienced the impressive performance of Verstappen in 2016. In the first part we'll talk to F1 reporter Jack Plooij.

"That was a surprise and very special", Plooij begins to say. For the analyst it was also special that it was Max who was the first Dutchman to win a Grand Prix. "I had seen him a lot as a little boy and I also knew him personally. Suddenly the Wilhelmus [Dutch Anthem] sounded there. It touched me so much, it made me very emotional. They also started the good tape, I was very happy with that too".

Plooij doubts

The pit reporter of Ziggo Sport awaited Verstappen as youngest GP winner ever. "Everyone from the press clapped for him. He came straight at me and I still had tears in my eyes from the national anthem and what should you do? I'd rather cuddle him, or should I high-five him or box him, what in God's name should I do? And he got closer and closer. Eventually I take a deep breath and say congratulations. So very drowsy", Plooij laughs years later in conversation with GPBlog about the situation.

If he had been allowed to do it again, Plooij might have handled it a bit differently. "With hindsight I do regret that a bit. I should have grabbed him and said: 'Come here asshole, super well done'. But for the neutral viewer it was better this way."

Plooij enjoys driving in car with Verstappen

For Plooij, the best Max moment off the track is the ride with the Red Bull driver from the hotel to the track in a GP weekend. "He'll drive his Aston Martin. I was allowed to ride once in Canada and once in the United States and do an interview at the same time. Those are legendary moments. Before and after the shooting, of course, everything happens. That's super cool," he concludes.