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Horner compliments Red Bull employees: "A phenomenal effort"

8 May 2020 at 18:40

Christian Horner has underlined several times in the past that the close bond with and between the employees has been fundamental in the successes that Red Bull Racing has delivered over the years. Even with the outbreak of the corona virus, the Austrian racing team is trying to maintain the family atmosphere.

"It’s so important to create that sense of a team because it is very unnatural for everyone not to be together, " Horner said in conversation with The Guardian. Normally Red Bull employees spend about twenty weeks a year on each other's lips, but that's different now. But: "Our strength as a team has always been the way we operate and manage change. We react to problems and fix them."

For example, Horner's race stable organises large Zoom meetings. Not only is the state of affairs reviewed, but online fitness lessons and pub quizzes are also organised. "We do everything we can to maintain that contact and sense of teamwork," explains the 46-year-old team boss.

Horner proud of Red Bull

Some of the staff have been busy in the factories with Project Pitlane in the past week. Red Bull and Renault are working together on the development and construction of respiratory equipment, although this later proved to be no longer necessary due to a change of course by the British government. Horner wants to make a big compliment to his team for this. "It was a phenomenal effort. What we were able to achieve, to get a working prototype ready for assembly to go into the field was an enormous effort and something the whole team can be very proud of.”