F1 News

Williams praising Red Bull: 'Respect for their attitude to this situation'

7 May 2020 at 11:17
Last update 7 May 2020 at 11:59
  • GPblog.com

Now that the budget cap for 2021 has been lowered even further to 145 million dollars, Formula 1 seems to have a bright future. With teams closer together on the grid and cars that can race better, it can only be a success in the future.

One of the teams that was naturally in favour of this proposal is Williams. The independent team that was founded by Frank Williams and is currently run by daughter Claire, who has never had a lot of resources and has always had to compete against the greats in the sport. Because of the ever-increasing budgets Williams is dropping further and further behind during the recent years.

Respect for the top teams

''We were actually behind this concept from the very beginning and we've been talking about it for almost ten years now. It's just very important for teams like us who don't have the money to throw in the millions like the big teams. The coronavirus has made that budget cap even lower," says Williams at Sky Sports' 'Vodcast'.

But Claire also understands very well what kind of situation the big teams are in. ''For the large teams it is not easy of course, because they have a budget that is much higher and they have to cut back now. It will not be easy to change that, but I have much respect for their attitude to the situation.''

Even lower ceiling

Of course, Williams would have wanted the cap even lower than $145 million. For example, Zak Brown already stated that most single teams were aiming for $100 million. For teams like Ferrari and Red Bull Racing, however, that was not possible, since they are now on a budget of 300 million or more. So it became a compromise.

''The whole process was of course about a final compromise. The top three are working with a much larger budget than the rest and with 145 million dollars we have found a nice middle ground. For us it's already positive that it's going down, because the lower that ceiling, the smaller the differences will be'', Claire concludes.