Can Formula 1 take this as an example? 'Bundesliga starts on 15 May'

F1 News

5 May 2020 at 11:29
Last update 5 May 2020 at 12:00

Formula 1 would like to start at the beginning of July, but still encounters many questions and incomprehension. However, it might get help from an unexpected corner, because football is starting up again in Germany and that could be set the example for other sports.

Reuters reports that the Bundesliga (the German soccer league) will start again from 15 May. According to Reurters, the green light will be given on Wednesday for the restart of the league, which will help many teams. Due to the coronavirus, many clubs in Germany have run into financial problems, just like in Formula 1.

F1 from the start

Should the Bundesliga really start again, this could be an example for the other sports. Holding matches behind closed doors throughout the country also needs a lot of people who have to travel and need to be tested. A situation that is already underway for Formula 1. The blueprint that is being made for Formula 1 may therefore look a lot like that of the Bundesliga.

So it is interesting to see if the Bundesliga will really start and what effect it will have. How many people switch on and what effect does it have on the spread of the coronavirus? Should this be a success, a first race in Austria, with the necessary precautions and tests, wouldn't be far away.