Ferrari begins a 'new chapter' and opens again the headquarters

F1 News

4 May 2020 at 12:48

Formula 1 is still at a standstill for a while, but the world seems to be crawling out of the valley. Certainly in Europe, now that the rules have been relaxed a bit in Italy, even the Ferrari factory is allowed to open its doors again.

The coronavirus quickly spread in China, but the first country in Europe to be hit hard was Italy. The country now has more than 210,000 infections and 28,884 deaths. The figures are huge, but the decline seems to have started in the southern European country. The government is aware of this and is carefully relaxing the measures.

Ferrari reopens

Monday Ferrari announces on twitter that it will open the doors of the headquarters again. The safety of the personnel and the suppliers is paramount, but Ferrari does report that it is happy to be back in the factory. This way the staff can finally get back to work, after a tough period for everyone.

However, Ferrari's Formula 1 branch will have to stay closed for a while, because with the latest F1 regulations the factory will have to remain closed for at least 63 days. So it could possibly be back to work for a couple of days, but ideally it won't be open for a while. Those 63 days will have to be paid in the months April, May or June and right before the possible start of the season in Maranello they would rather not.