Hamilton complains about lack of diversity F1: "Situation worse than ever"

F1 News

2 May 2020 at 12:15
  • GPblog.com

Lewis Hamilton is the first Formula 1 driver with a dark complexion to become world champion. Especially at the beginning of his career a lot of attention was paid to this. By now it may not be news anymore, but he's still occasionally asked about this subject.

The Italian Style Magazine did this last week, for example, and Hamilton gave a striking answer. Although there is currently more attention to diversity than ever in the Western world, the Mercedes driver feels that Formula 1 and motor sport as a whole are still lagging behind considerably.

The truth is that it was incredibly hard for me to break into this industry. I wish I could say it was better today but if anything, I think the situation is worse than ever before. Motor racing is so expensive that working class and lower income brackets are excluded from the outset.

Examples in which children recognize themselves

According to Hamilton it is therefore important that more different people have the opportunity to pursue their motorsport dream. The six-time world champion does not only mean diversity of colour, but in his opinion it is important that children have an example in which they recognise themselves.

Kids need to see successful people who look like them to know that their dreams are achievable. Sadly, in Formula 1 today, there is an overall lack of diversity: not only among drivers, but also among engineers and mechanics. If we don’t make the effort to create pathways to give those from different backgrounds a chance, we will all be to blame.