Circuits fight for place on the 2020 calendar

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F1 News

1 May 2020 at 17:45

This weekend the first Grand Prix of the Netherlands in 35 years was planned. Due to the coronavirus this one will not take place. The season will have to start on July 5th in Austria on the Red Bull Ring. It is likely that two races will be held there.


After that there will be ridden at Silverstone, where possible also two races. Just like on Hungary. All races will be held without an audience in the fight against COVID-19. According to Jan Lammers, the Netherlands and Belgium still have a chance to win a race.

According to Jan Lammers, the Netherlands and Belgium still have a chance to hold a Grand Prix, as he says in De Nationale Autoshow-podcast of BNR. "But then they would have to bear the costs for those five races without an audience. Those are of course considerable amounts of money, which they cannot cough up just like that."

More and more applications

Lammers announces that more and more circuits are signing up with FOM to organize a free race this season. "Everything is being negotiated out. The other circuits say: you can drive here for nothing, as long as we can get back on the calendar at a reduced rate in the future. And those offers will be used by FOM a bit to the other circuits. That's not something that's tempting for us to incur unnecessary costs."