Director Hockenheim: "We're in talks with Formula 1"

F1 News

29 April 2020 at 11:41

Initially, Hockenheim was not on this year's calendar, but it may still play a role in setting up the new calendar. Earlier circuit director Jorn Teske indicated that they are open to talk about a possible race. Now it appears that the discussions have actually taken place, albeit not concretely.

In conversation

"I can confirm we're talking," says Teske at "We were and still are in contact with our colleagues from Formula 1 now and then. After so many years of partnership it is quite normal to ask each other what the status is. In this respect we are talking and we also talked about the unpredictability of the F1 calendar".

But nothing is set in stone at the moment, because details have not been discussed in detail. "We have exchanged views, but not about dates, conditions, constructions and the like. What is absolutely necessary to investigate such a thing seriously, it has not yet come that far".


The German government has banned all large-scale events until September, so in that perspective it is questionable whether Hockenheim is allowed to organize a race at all during the season. At this moment the circuit, unlike for example the Red Bull Ring, is not yet in discussion with the local government.

"There are regulations in force here and I can only talk to someone (from F1) when we know if we can do it here at all. And we don't know that now. As long as we don't know, I can't make a binding promise to a partner. One could theoretically negotiate everything and still have the big star on the agreement: "Subject to all necessary permits and travel conditions".

Without audience

Should it come to that, it should be financially feasible for the circuit, in any case the circuit in Germany is open for any scenario. So are also races behind closed doors possible. "If we can provide what the government needs and that the economic aspects make sense to us, then we can open up the Hockenheimring. However, we still have to have these talks."

In conclusion, Teske tempers expectations: "But it's not as concrete as some people think at the moment".