Grand Prix of Italy not yet written off: ''That's all 'fake news''

F1 News

29 April 2020 at 07:07

Italy is one of the countries hardest hit by the coronavirus, so people don't look crazy if Monza isn't on the new calendar, but Monza thinks differently. According to the president of the Automobile Club in Italy it is 'fake news'.

''We are convinced that Monza will still be on the calendar, but behind closed doors. We don't understand why this fake news is spread about a possible cancelled Grand Prix of Italy'', says Sticchi Damiani to Sky Sports 24. However, where Silverstone suggested the reverse, it is not an option for Monza.

Behind closed doors

"No, circuits are made just for that direction with all the boarding on the side and kerbstones on the track. That's why you can't suddenly do a lot of expensive work to change all that in a week'', says the president.

Despite all the chaos in the country, Monza wants to organize the race. ''We don't have a crystal ball to look into the future, but we expect to race here at the beginning of September. We hope that the emergency will be over by then and hope for a miracle. However, today the race will have to take place behind closed doors'', Damiani concludes.