F1 News

Race with or without fans in IndyCar? "Indy500 has to be with fans"

26 April 2020 at 09:23
  • GPblog.com

Just like Formula 1, the IndyCar season is put on hold before the start. A new start date is planned, but Rinus van Kalmthout doubts whether that date can be met.

It looks like F1 will start again on July 5th at the Red Bull Ring is Austria. However, that date is not fixed and the developments regarding the coronavirus in Europe are being closely watched.

The starting date for the IndyCar is in that respect especially optimistic. The organization wants to start again on June 6th. "We hope that the race will continue, but when I look at the current situation I doubt that", says Rinus van Kalmthout in conversation with Motorsport.com. The United States is the country with the most corona patients and deaths.

Driving with or without fans

"The way it might go on is without fans. I don't know exactly what the ideas are, but I think we'll hear something soon. I think we're also aiming for fourteen races. I don't know how many you need for an official championship, but that should be enough to just count", the Dutchman continues about the possible adjustments in the IndyCar.

The debutant thinks that IndyCar without fans is also possible, except for one race. "The Indy500 really needs to be driven with fans. That is the event that will earn the money for the rest of the Series and it is a must to have fans. For the other races a lot can be earned with just streaming and TV". Whatever it is going to be, the driver will make sure he is as fit as he can be at the start of the season.