F1 News

Obstacles for new start of the F1 season: "Can we even enter the country?"

25 April 2020 at 07:39
Last update 25 April 2020 at 10:46
  • GPblog.com

Where in the Netherlands and other countries all events are suspended until September 1st, there is still a chance that in other European countries it will be possible to race this summer. If it is up to Helmut Marko the Formula 1 season will start this year at the beginning of July on the Red Bull Ring. According to Dutch journalist Jack Plooij some things are overlooked in the discussion about this.

In Formula 1 Café on Ziggo Sport the possible new start of the season is being discussed and former Grand Prix -driver Robert Doornbos agrees with Marko's firm plans: "At the bottom of the line these teams have to drive in order to generate income. With or without an audience, they just have to race from July 5th".

Plooij then pulls the handbrake. "There are still a lot of bumps in the road. Schengen, in particular, plays a very important role. May we enter or leave the country where we are going to be race. Of course Marko offers 5 and 12 July, but what we forget is the question whether we are allowed in that country. Can the English cross the water? Because of the Brexit that seems to be a problem."

For the teams that have to come from Great Britain, the new status of that country in these times is such an obstacle that the same applies to them as, for example, the engineers from Honda, who come from Japan. According to the pit reporter, all parties are therefore very busy with the elaboration of this. Plooij concludes: "A proposal is being worked on very hard and it is coming soon."