Marko: 'Second F1 race in Austria on Wednesday night most likely'.

F1 News

19 April 2020 at 18:22

Last week there were some conflicting reports about the Austrian Grand Prix and the question if it can take place at the beginning of July. Helmut Marko is still very hopeful that the race can just start. In fact, he will see a second race happen as well.

The Austrian government let it be known that it would like to think along with the organisers of the Grand Prix, as long as the event can keep to their guidelines. "The most likely is that everyone who comes to this event will have to pass a test," Marko said to Der Standard. People who are found to be positive in this test will then have to remain in quarantine in Austria.

In addition, a plan will be devised to ensure that as few people as possible actually have to be on the track. In any case no fans, but also with as few team members as possible. These can then be flown in directly from England via the nearby Zeltweg airport.

Austrian GP first international event?

"The Focus will be digital and thus on the TV broadcast. It would be the first major international event to take place", says Marko, who feels that the Grand Prix will play an important role in this. People who are in isolation are longing for this and it will restore confidence.

"The advertising would be invaluable and it also shows how efficiently our government has acted". And if the teams are in Austria anyway, they can drive a race that same week, according to Marko, with a qualification on Tuesday and a race on Wednesday evening. "That's the most likely at the moment."