Vettel says nothing about salary: "I'm not going to polish my image now."

F1 News

17 April 2020 at 09:33

With the strict measures in place almost everywhere in the world, there is no way to speak to people face to face. Even Sebastian Vettel cannot escape an online interview. The German, who is normally so fond of his privacy, talks to the press from home.

Through the Ferrari video conference the German reports about his life during corona and about his preparations for the season. reports that Vettel is already fresh and fruity at half past eight. The reason: "I start my days early so I have more time to train".

Despite the uncertainty about the 2020 season, the four-time world champion is thus at his best prepared. "Fortunately I'm not dependent on a gym", the Ferrari driver said. "I have all the equipment I need at home so I can keep training without problems".

"Well, it's starting to tickle now. I miss racing."

Salary private matter

Because of the coronavirus, many teams are in financial distress. Ferrari, whose factories are at the epicentre of the virus in Italy, will also feel the consequences. Vettel doesn't want to talk about the possible surrender of salary yet.

"I'll discuss this with the team", let the German know. "We still don't know what the team will look like. I've always made such decisions with privacy and I won't suddenly discuss the subject to polish up my image."