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Verstappen despite early spin twice in second place in strong sim race

10 April 2020 at 07:03
Last update 10 April 2020 at 07:33

Max Verstappen heeft donderdagavond tijdens de eerste ronde van het sterk bezette Official DSRC Spring Cup geen overwinning weten te pakken. De Nederlander stond in de eerste én tweede wedstrijd op het podium met beide keren een tweede plaats, maar vooral in de tweede race zal de 22-jarige coureur op meer gehoopt hebben.

Many experienced simracers drove on the circuit of Imola with Ford GT cars. The first race of the evening was a short sprint race, in which Verstappen managed to take second place. The victory was a prey for Team Redline teammate Maximilian Benecke. The podium was completed by Brungo Sprengler. Florian Bodin and Gianni Vecchio secured places four and five.

Verstappen spins, but recovers

Verstappen is allowed to start the main race from P2, but the Dutchman slips away on the kerbs and takes leader Benecke with him in the first lap. The two men sink far back, but are back in the top-five in no time. In the last five laps all kinds of things happen. Benecke misses the corner and loses the third place to Verstappen, who also catches up with Sprengler. However, the Red Bull Racing driver is unable to pass Vecchio and once again has to settle for P2. Despite his crash Benecke still manages to finish fourth, thanks to a large margin.

In the championship everything is very close together. Verstappen, Vecchio, Sprenger and Benecke admit little to each other in the standings after two races in which they all finished in the top-five.