Villeneuve agrees with Ecclestone: 'Championship 2020 would be a mistake'

F1 News

3 April 2020 at 15:29
Last update 3 April 2020 at 17:04

Anyone who has anything to do with Formula 1 is mainly speculating at the moment about what will happen with the 2020 F1 season. Here and there it is already being suggested to cancel the whole season. Among others by Bernie Ecclestone, former world champion Jacques Villeneuve has also expressed this opinion.

"Even if the world opens up and we can have a Grand Prix after the pandemic, it takes time to set up an event," the Canadian says to Canal+. By the time it's possible to race again, he thinks it's not worth it anymore to call it a championship.

"The first Grands Prix on the calendar should take place in September. I imagine the various organizations and Formula 1's owners will want to hold the maximum amount of races to comply with their contracts' minimum requirement, but that would be a mistake."

Yes to races, no to a championship

Villeneuve, on the other hand, also realises that every Grand Prix involves commercial interests. He does not propose to stop racing at all, but to let the remaining events continue. Only these don't count for a championship.

"It might be better to say: 'There won't be a championship. We'll race and each race will be a unique event, like the Indy 500 or the Le Mans 24 Hours'. It would also allow teams to use the end of 2020 to prepare for 2021."