F1 News

Silverstone is open to more F1 races, possibly with reverse layout

2 April 2020 at 17:25
Last update 2 April 2020 at 17:25
  • GPblog.com

It is a realistic scenario that the Formula 1 season of 2020 will start at Silverstone during the English Grand Prix. This means that quite a few races will be lost and if the season wants to end on its intended end date, the calendar will have to be used creatively. One option is multiple races on the English circuit, to which they are open.

Multiple races

Silverstone has until the end of April to make a decision and how that will work out, depends on the coronary pandemic. If a season start at Silverstone is feasible, it is possible to organize several races there. Possibly even on a reverse track.

To Sky Sports, the manager of the circuit, Stuart Pringle, says that the circuit is willing to do everything necessary to assist Formula 1. This includes organizing multiple races. "We are willing to work with them in any way, shape or form that they think is in the best interest of the championship."

"The majority of the teams are within a stone's throw of the circuit, so operationally, it would be pretty straightforward. We have the infrastructure and the team members can go to their own homes and sleep there. If that's how we can help them, we'd be happy to do that."

The other way around

Multiple races on a circuit can also get a bit boring, but that too is something that is being thought about. A good option is of course to drive the race backwards. The management doesn't go too deep into that, but certainly doesn't rule it out.

Pringle says: "It's not a crazy thought. We're not licensed to run the other way, but these are extraordinary times, and I guess that extraordinary decisions are being made. Nothing's off the table, but equally, let's see what the next four weeks look like."