F1 News

British GP: "Our timeline gives us until the end of April to make a decision."

1 April 2020 at 11:29
  • GPblog.com

All Grands Prix to be held this spring have been suspended, with the exception of the Canadian Grand Prix. The next series at risk are the races that were originally scheduled to be held in the month before the summer break. The GP of Great Britain among others.

Only last week the organisation of the British Grand Prix indicated that they need at least twelve weeks to prepare for a possible race on July 19. That would mean that after the Easter weekend they would like to have a definite result. Now they set that deadline themselves at the end of April.

British GP gives himself more time

So they will keep the boat off for a while, while a sports event like Wimbledon, which will also be held in July, is expected to announce soon that the tournament will not take place.

"We very much appreciate that other British sporting events have made decisions about their events in July, but it is important to stress that their logistical and sporting arrangements are different from Silverstone's," reports the organisation of the British GP according to the BBC.

"Therefore, our timeline gives us until the end of April to make a final decision. The safety of our fans, colleagues and the F1 community will be our priority and we will continue to work with the relevant authorities".