F1 News

Verstappen and Juncadella fight hard: ''After the race I thought of a penalty''

31 March 2020 at 07:24
  • GPblog.com

Max Verstappen won both races in the Team Redline Pro Series, but that wasn't without a struggle. In the first race Verstappen could whistle for victory, but in race two that was certainly not the case.

Where Verstappen drove away from everyone during the first race and was able to win the race from pole with just over two seconds, he had to fight more for it in the second race. First of all the pole went to Daniel Jancadella, but Verstappen soon managed to get alongside. Until the penultimate lap Verstappen had a gap to the number two, but that disappeared like snow in the sun.

Verstappen comes into battle

In the penultimate round Verstappen made a mistake and that little miss brought Juncadella into the slipstream of the Dutchman. In the last lap the Spaniard ventured an action, but had to get back on the track after contact over the grass. The two crossed the finish line as one and two, but the incident still had to be watched.

''A bit of contact. That's what happened'', Verstappen opened with a smile at the presenters afterwards. ''I saw Daniel getting closer and closer and I didn't want him in my tow. In the penultimate lap I made a mistake and he was there'', Verstappen says about the race. The incident itself has been looked into by both of them and Verstappen doesn't see much wrong.

Verstappen and Juncadella on the same line

"I kept my steering wheel straight, but on those images it looks like I'm steering to the right. However, that bend runs to the left, which makes it look like that. It's very easy to take advantage of a tow here, but overtaking isn't too easy'', the Dutchman concludes. Then Daniel is also asked for his opinion, which is remarkably calm.

''I completely agree with Max. When it happened I thought I could go to the right, but in the replay I saw that there was even more room for me. It was a good race and a nice fight. Of course after the race I thought he should have a penalty, but that's the advantage of online racing. You can immediately look at the images and then you see that nothing is wrong'', Juncadella concludes.