Horner: "Race behind closed doors would have been possible"

F1 News

13 March 2020 at 07:59

Aston Martin Red Bull Racing team boss Christian Horner claims a race behind closed doors would have been possible. The Brit reports the race could have continued if all teams had agreed to this. 

A McLaren team member had tested positive for the coronavirus. Through the night in Australia, Formula 1 bosses were discussing whether or not to cancel the event. According to Horner, this included talks about holding the event behind closed doors. 

Red Bull Racing were one of the few teams still willing to race. He explains why this was and what the scenario would have been like. 

The Race quotes the team boss: "It is of course very disappointing that we cannot race, but we have to think about the health of our staff."

Race without an audience was a possible option

Horner provides more insight into the conversations that were held prior to the official cancellation. “The FIA ​​and the promoter decided to cancel the event. We have discussed various scenarios; We were talking about continuing the race with a closed paddock. The FIA ​​and the health authorities were fine with the teams agreeing too."

A closed paddock and absence of the public turned out to be a possible option. As it stands, the Bahrain Grand Prix will take place without fans. Though now, that is looking unlikely.