F1 News

Lewis Hamilton backs Mercedes' plans to become carbon neutral

7 March 2020 at 15:44

Lewis Hamilton is backing Mercedes' plans to go carbon neutral by the end of this year as the team look to become more environmentally-friendly. Hamilton has become more aware of F1's impact on the environment in recent years and owns vegan restaurants, called Neat Burger.

F1 as a whole has taken responsibility when it comes to helping the environment, pledging to become carbon neutral by 2030, but Mercedes believe they can do that ten years earlier than the sport.

Hamilton said on Eurosport: “I think naturally there can be criticism from the outside, but from my part, I feel my strength is that I’m able to help change it from within.

“So being very close within the organisation trying to push for these changes, which I’ve been very vocal about for quite some time.

“I think about like the future of my nieces and nephew, and what kind of world they’re going to grow up in. And I’m trying to really use my platform and my voice really just trying to raise awareness and shift the mindset of these industries in a positive direction.

“Now Toto is talking about this year being carbon neutral. And being the leaders in our industry, I think that’s really, really key and important."