Source: Red Bull content pool

F1 News

Kvyat: "The AT01 is pretty much an evolution of last year’s STR14"

14 February 2020 at 19:47
Last update 14 February 2020 at 20:35

Scuderia Alpha Tauri had a very elaborate car launch but Daniil Kvyat is very much focused on the racing. The Russian admitted he is looking forward to getting back into competing on the track.

Alpha Tauri launched the AT01 at their launch event in Salzburg, which included a fashion show as they also unveiled their spring and summer Alpha Tauri clothing lines. The focus was very much on the car, however, as the team showed off their blue and white challenger.

Following the launch of the AT01, Kvyat spoke about how excited he is to get back into racing and despite the name change, he's expecting an evolution of last season's car.

“I’m very excited to go racing again," Kvyat said on the Alpha Tauri website.

"This is going to be my sixth year in Formula 1, which is a fantastic feeling. Even though technically speaking, the core of the team stays the same, the name has changed with AlphaTauri stepping in.

"But while the team and the car will have a different look, technically, the AT01 is pretty much an evolution of last year’s STR14, which already worked well. Having that as a starting point, our aim is to improve it and move forward as much as possible.”