F1 News

COMPARED: The VF-20 compared to last year's Haas and Ferrari

7 February 2020 at 11:05

It is well known that Haas and Ferrari work very closely with each other but many were shocked to see how familiar the new VF-20 was to last year's Ferrari design. To see if this is correct we take a look at the cars and how similar they actually are.  

Nose and front wing look more like Ferrari

The nose of the VF-20 is very similar to what Ferrari used last season. It now has nostrils and a flap has also been added to the endplates that seem to come directly from the Ferrari. 

The Mercedes-like airbox is gone

In the middle of the car, the aerodynamics generally look a bit more detailed compared to last year. The extra wing over the mirrors is a good example of this. Also, the airbox on top of the roll bar closely imitates the Ferrari design. It is not a direct copy, but it comes close. Last year Haas had an airbox that looked more like the Mercedes design. 

Finally, you'll notice the alternating glossy and matte stripes on the 'shark fin' on top of the hood. Aesthetically not unpleasant, but it may also have an aerodynamic function. 

It is clear to see that the Haa' design is closer to last year's Ferrari. They will hope that this will enable them to fight further up the grid.