Negotiations underway to bring Spanish Grand Prix back to Jerez!

F1 News

2 February 2020 at 11:29
Last update 2 February 2020 at 16:30
  • Nicolás Quarles van Ufford

Jerez could be set to return on the F1 calendar for the Spanish Grand Prix, with local parliament member Juan Marin saying the negotiations with Liberty Media are already going on to return to the circuit in the south of Spain.

Before the Circuit de Catalunya, Jerez was the host of the Spanish Grand Prix, with the last F1 race there being held in 1997. The circuit still hosts MotoGP and has fantastic facilities because of that.

F1 teams frequent Jerez for testing already, but with Barcelona's contract up after 2020, the circuit is very keen to bring it back to the F1 calendar.

Juan Marin, who is in the Tourism department in the local government of Andalusia, the region in which Jerez is located, confirmed negotiations are underway and going well.

“I cannot say anything yet, some say that it is done, but for my part until I see the signature on the contract I will not announce anything,” he told Andalucia Informacion.

“Negotiations are still underway and an announcement is expected to be made in May or June. Formula 1 interests us a lot, in Jerez as in Andalusia. But there are other countries interested. It is also a very high investment and work would be necessary on the circuit.”

Jerez currently is a grade one circuit, which qualifies it to host Grands Prix.