Sebastian Vettel wants F1 to ditch the batteries and return to V12s!

F1 News

28 January 2020 at 11:26

Sebastian Vettel says that if he was in charge of F1 he would make the sport return to V12 engines, getting rid of the current V6 hybrids. F1 made the step to hybrid engines in 2014 and it looks like the sport is going the way of sustainability rather than big noisy engines.

With the rise of Formula E, being environmentally friendly is close to the top of F1's list of priorities, with the series aiming to become carbon neutral by 2025.

Vettel told Kolner Express: “My first act would be to double the number of cylinders. I would also remove the batteries. I do not think they are needed, except to start the car."

Radio message coming true!

Following engine problems and retirement at last year's Russian Grand Prix, Vettel said over the radio 'bring back the V12s,' along with a word I'm not allowed to write and it seems like the German is serious about it.

What would you do if you were in charge of F1? Return to the old style engines or perhaps look to move to electric as soon as possible?