F1 News

Alfa Romeo fails crash test ahead of 2020 season

18 December 2019 at 13:32

Alfa Romeo have failed a crash test ahead of the 2020 season. According to reports from the German Motorsport-Magazin, little was left of the chassis and they will now be working hard to get their car back on track and make up for the time they have lost. 

Before a new season and before any cars are allowed on the track, every teams cars are put through an extensive crash test by the FIA. Normally the test runs smoothly but something has gone very wrong for Alfa Romeo.

The problem is reported to be so big that major changes will have to be made to the design of the car if it is to pass the test. This is a massive set back for the team who will not have expected this in their schedule. 

Kimi Raikkonen and Antonio Giovinazzi performed well in 2019 and will hope that they have a chassis that is safe and fast ready to race in next season.