Karun Chandhok on the positive and negative 2021 rule changes

F1 News

6 November 2019 at 13:35

Former F1 driver Karun Chandhok is hoping that the 2021 rule changes mean that there will be closer racing in years to come but is worried that the budget cap could lead to people losing their jobs. 

"The most important thing is the focus on the 'raceability' and making it easier for the cars to follow each other closely without losing too much downforce and therefore be in a better position to overtake," Chandhok said in his Sky Sports column. 

"Currently, the car following closely behind their competitor loses about 45 per cent of their downforce which is what stops them from following too closely and overtaking. The new rules are meant to allow cars to follow and only lose about 20 per cent of their downforce, which will be a significant improvement."

Another fairly radical change is that a budget cap is going to be introduced. Chandhok is worried that this will lead to people losing their jobs. 

"They are also looking at several ways of reducing the costs involved and are aiming to create a set of rules that reward people who spend their money wisely, not necessarily the people who spend the most amount of money," he said. "This, of course, will mean the big teams will end up losing people as they scale back their work loads, but the hope is we will be able to entice new teams to F1 and these people will get jobs with the new teams."

Hopefully, jobs can be found at new teams and that the new rules generally change the sport for the better.