Alonso lashes out at Hamilton: 'You can't say one thing and do the other'

F1 News

23 October 2019 at 10:00
Last update 23 October 2019 at 10:22

Lewis Hamilton has been promoting the vegan diet recently. The five-time F1 world champion has opened a vegan burger restaurant in London. However, his former teammate Fernando Alonso doesn't understand Hamilton's intentions. 

"I think I would keep my eating habits to myself. I would never release a message like Lewis'. You can't send out a message on one day, and on the next day do the opposite. We all know the lifestyle that Lewis has, and that F1 drivers take 200 planes a year. You can't then say 'don't eat meat'," Alonso said in a conversation with Cadena Cope.

The Spaniard finds the statement by Hamilton particularly contradictory. For a driver who so often takes the plane and, in addition to the races, also does it for his private life, it is difficult to imagine that you will no longer eat meat. A noble endeavour, but the one is of course completely opposite to the other.

Earlier in 2019, Hamilton sold his private jet for £25 million.