Teams have doubts about sprint race: "Who will pay for it?"

F1 News

9 October 2019 at 10:15

Formula 1 teams have criticized the proposal of a reverse grid qualifying race on a Saturday of a Grand Prix weekend. Team principals are concerned that having a race like this would cost a lot of money and they are wondering who is going to pay for it.  

"If we need more spare parts, who will pay for it?," Racing Point team principal Otmar Szafnauer said to 

“The risk of accidents is a lot smaller in a qualification. Now you are dealing with a start, which also starts in reverse order. In addition, the use of tires and engines is different. Even if you would make the race as long as the qualification because not everyone will get Q3."

There are a lot of details that need to be addressed if this plan is to go ahead. If the plan is to go ahead then all the teams need to agree on it and this is starting to look very unlikely.