Hakkinen warns Ferrari: "Fighting inside a team never works"

F1 News

2 October 2019 at 16:39

Sunday's Russian Grand Prix demonstrated the differing harmony in Mercedes and Ferrari's camps. One working together to get the victory whilst the other squabbles for the lead and Mika Hakkinen believes this fighting inside a team never works.

Sebastian Vettel refused to let Charles Leclerc passed him at the race in Sochi insisting that Leclerc needed to speed up to make the move. This helped Mercedes seal another one-two as Bottas held off Leclerc to allow Hamilton to win.

Hakkinen believes Leclerc has some tough lessons to learn and the bickering amongst the team will never work out well.

"After starting from pole position - his fourth pole in a row - Charles Leclerc had every right to expect a great result on Sunday, but it all went wrong when he agreed to give Sebastian a tow down the long straight to the first proper corner, Turn 2," Hakkinen said in his column on Unibet.

"In agreeing to give Sebastian the lead it opened up the opportunity for him to control the race, which he did perfectly.

"There is tension in Ferrari between the drivers, and Charles is learning some tough lessons.

"Including the fact that Sebastian did not win four World Championships by being a pushover. Compared to Mercedes, Ferrari does not yet have the perfect teamwork between the drivers, and they need to do that if they are going to win consistently. Fighting inside a team never works."