F1 News

Not everyone is enthusiastic about introducing refuelling into Formula 1

21 August 2019 at 12:18

The 2021 rules are set to radically change Formula 1. Many in the sport are hoping the refuelling will be reintroduced but not everyone thinks that this is a good idea. Ernest Knoors, BMW MTEK founder, believes that it would not be a good idea. 

"You will have to do much more than just refuelling. In the past, refueling also ensured that teams could be very dominant because they understood the part best and subsequently made a lot of profit with it. That can now also be a danger," Knoors said to Slipstream.

Allard Kalff and Kees van de Grint are more optimistic, ''If you do the refuelling, then you also have to give complete freedom with the tire choice. Then you can really take super soft tires and refuel very lightly and completely turned around. Then you will get completely different races," said Kalff.

It is going to be interesting to see if refuelling is re-introduced and how much it would change the sport. There is a thought that only the bigger teams will benefit from it but it could also make the races more exciting.