Formula 1 set to turn away from Fossil Fuels

F1 News

13 August 2019 at 16:06

Formula 1 is set to take a step towards becoming greener and more environmentally friendly when the sport will start using non-fossil fuel methods of fueling their cars. Chase Carey has revealed plans to move the sport away from more traditional fuels and hopes to reduce their carbon footprint. 

Carey believes that Formula 1 needs to take a step forward if it is to continue to stay relevant and attract new fans. 

“The hybrid engine was an incredible step forward in terms of fuel efficiency while retaining power,” Carey said to

“We are now working aggressively with the oil industry on synthetic fuels, biofuels, hydrogen fuels.

“I think between now and year-end, you will see the sustainability issue becoming a much more front and centre part of our story,” he added.

Formula 1 seems to be conscious of the rise of Formula E and wants to make sure the sport stays up to date and portrays the image of being more environmentally friendly.