F1 News

Ecclestone proposes that all cars should have the same engine

27 June 2019 at 14:30
Last update 27 June 2019 at 14:30

Bernie Ecclestone is still an important voice in the world of Formula 1 and when he speaks, people listen. The former Chief Executive of Formula 1 believes that the sport needs radical change if it is to provide fans with the entertainment that they desire. One of these changes is to have the cars all use the same engine and he believes that this would benefit both the constructors and the engine manufacturer. 

Ecclestone has stated a few changes he would make to Formula 1 in previous articles and one of these was adding a third championship to Formula 1. This would lead to current teams choosing which championship they target to perform in. 

It would also mean that some current teams would be forced to consider if they wanted to be a constructor or just become an engine supplier. 

"If you're Renault, you would be looking at being a constructor and spending $350m," Ecclestone said to ESPN. "Or being an engine supplier -- and I'd make them supply the engines free to all -- but in return, there's a big space on the car saying it's a Renault engine. They would gain more publicity than they get now, and it would cost them less." 

Ecclestone believes that Formula 1 needs to change and thinks that the current structure does not provide the fans of the sport enough entertainment and excitement. 

"F1 has to get people's attention again. If you've got four friends going to a race, you want to have a situation where none of them can agree on who is going to win. This is all about Ferrari and Mercedes racing up front, but other teams having a chance to be in among them for about a fifth of the budget.

"Everything is up for discussion. But the bottom line is having affordable entertainment rather than very expensive technology."

Ecclestone's changes would certainly change the sport and maybe decisions like these need to be implemented by Liberty Media if they are going to fulfill their promise of making the sport more entertaining. 

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