F1 News

Penelope calls friends of Max Verstappen 'stupid boys'

Penelope causes Verstappen to smile: 'Hi silly boys!'

19 November 2024 at 06:00
  • Cas van de Kleut

In addition to his career as a Formula 1 driver, Max Verstappen is also active as a streamer. The Dutchman does this for Team Redline. During the livestream on Sunday, Kelly Piquet's daughter Penelope came in, with an announcement for Verstappen's teammates.

Penelope resurfaces in Team Redline livestream with Verstappen

Penelope does make frequent appearances in Team Redline's livestreams. Verstappen's girlfriend's daughter then pops in to see what the Red Bull driver is up to. This often results in cute and hilarious images.

While Verstappen was sim racing, Penelope came in. She had a message for the friends the Dutchman was playing with:"Hi silly, silly boys!" Verstappen laughed at this and responded, "They are indeed silly!"

Over the next few days, Verstappen's main focus will be on Formula 1. After all, in Las Vegas, he could become a four-time world champion.