'Disagreement between Steiner and Gene Haas at root of resignation'

Günther Steiner has left as Haas team boss. Gene Haas appointed Ayao Komatsu as his replacement and pointed mainly to performance as the reason for Steiner's resignation. Lawrence Barretto, however, believes the reality is different.
It was announced on Wednesday that Komatsu will be Haas' new team boss for the 2024 Formula 1 season. Steiner has been sidelined after years of loyal service. What was particularly noteworthy was the lack of a quote from Steiner in the press release. The team boss could not say goodbye himself.
Why Steiner had to leave Haas
Lawrence Barretto, reporter for Formula1.com, reveals on X that there may have been a conflict. Steiner's contract was due to expire at the end of 2023, and due to a conflict with Gene Haas over the team's future strategy, that contract was not renewed.
The news also ties in with earlier rumours about the possible departure of technical director Simone Resta. He, too, would no longer be aligned with Haas and would leave at the American race team. While Steiner's departure has since been confirmed by the team, that is not yet the case for the technical director.
I believe Steiner’s contract expired at the end of last year. Following the disagreement on the future strategy, that contract wasn’t renewed. https://t.co/hIOVJbeG4T
— Lawrence Barretto (@lawrobarretto) January 10, 2024