F1 News

Horner proud of team's results: 'You don't just achieve this'

- Toby McLuskie
Red Bull Racing team boss Christian Horner does not find the 2023 season in Formula 1 boring for a second yet. His team is extremely dominant and has won every race so far. Horner is enjoying every second and is not yet hoping for stronger competition.
Horner had to hold on for a long time after 2013 and fight a scant decade against a strong Mercedes. Mercedes was the strongest for eight years in a row and Red Bull could only score a win or two here and there during the season. In 2023, Red Bull is the dominant force and the team leaves no room for anyone to be at the top of the podium for once.
Horner still recovering from 2021
After the Belgium GP, the tally stands at 12 for Red Bull. When asked if Horner would like some more opposition from his rivals, the Briton told the media, including GPblog: "No it's not one ounce of me the wishes that. I think I'm still in recovery from 2021"
Horner is proud and hopes to enjoy the good work his team has managed for as long as possible. Horner continued: "you don't achieve these kind of results by accident and I think that it's a golden moment for our team and I think that just to absolutely take a hand off to everybody behind the scenes, everybody that's working as hard as they are to achieve this kind of performance."