
Sainz: 'Relevant or decent criticism out there that we would accept'
Ferrari is not off to a good start in 2023. Although the formation itself knows this enormously well, they are reminded of it every day in the Italian media. Carlos Sainz, meanwhile, seems a bit done with that. He argues that Ferrari could actually use a bit of positivity and support.
"I can tell that the Italian media and the tifosi want Ferrari to be up there," Sainz interjects in conversation with GP Racing magazine. The reality is different and the 28-year-old driver does not deny that either, but he says this negativity does not help the team. "What they need to realise is that no one is more upset or angry or unhappy with the situation than every single [team member] here."
Everyone in Maranello is working incredibly hard to turn around one of Ferrari's worst ever season starts. "Every driver and mechanic in Marenello – we’re the ones who aren’t happy, the first ones that don’t like the situation and we’re the ones who are pushing flat out to revert it. Because it’s also our egos, our performance. We’re proud to be Ferrari and we want to put Ferrari up front."
Sainz not happy with criticism
The one-time Grand Prix winner is therefore indirectly appealing to fans and media to get right behind Ferrari. He is anything but happy with the things he has read in recent weeks. "And sometimes the comments, they’re more of a distraction and bringing us down than helping us a bit to bring up or just putting relevant or decent criticism out there that we would accept", said a critical Sainz.