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fallback image GP Las Vegas madness sells tickets with no view of race

Las Vegas madness continues: 'General Admission tickets' with no view

25 March 2023 at 08:21
Last update 25 March 2023 at 08:52
  • GPblog.com

This year's Las Vegas Grand Prix, which will take place for the first time, promises to be one of the most expensive and extravagant F1 events ever. With group ticket prices of a million dollars, the craziness does not stop there. Tickets will also be sold without a view of the track.

So reports Sports Business Journal journalist Adam Stern. Tickets for the Las Vegas GP are now on sale and the cheapest 'General Admission' tickets are already sold out. These cheapest tickets are $500, but only 1,800 were available of these cheap tickets, according to Stern.

Las Vegas GP will sell tickets with no track view

The organisation would foresee potential problems in terms of available space and therefore decided not to offer too many of the cheap tickets. However, the organisation did come up with another idea and that idea seems to fit in seamlessly with all the other 'Las Vegas madness'.

Besides package deals with hotels that can cost upwards of a million for six people, there will now be cheaper tickets (of under $500) where the buyer has no view of the track. "There'll be a second GA area, a festival zone with 30K tickets for less than $500 but without track views, in a few months", Stern says.