F1 News

Vasseur impresses at Ferrari

Fred Vasseur, workaholic at Ferrari: 'Present every day before seven'

12 February 2023 at 10:37
Last update 12 February 2023 at 11:14
  • GPblog.com

Frederic Vasseur is impressing his staff in the first weeks of his tenure at Ferrari. The team boss, who came over from Alfa Romeo, appears to be a huge workaholic, who is also doing everything he can to integrate in Italy as soon as possible, writes the Gazzetta in an analysis.

Vasseur has now been in his new position at Maranello for over a month. The first weeks were marked by getting to know his new colleagues and preparing for the new season, which is fast approaching. Next Tuesday, the presentation of the SF-23 is scheduled, also the moment when Vasseur will be fully in the spotlight for the first time in his role as Ferrari team boss.

'Say Fred'

According to the Gazzetta, Vasseur fits this new role like a glove. New working at the iconic marque, the Frenchman has already managed to fully win over the staff. After all, everyone calls him by his first name 'Fred', not 'Mr Vasseur'. Every morning Fred is at Maranello very early, usually before seven. He does not usually leave before 7.30 or 8 in the evening, when it has long gone dark again.

Vasseur does not just fill his days with meetings, he also spends hours learning the Italian language. At least four times a week, a private tutor comes to Maranello to teach the Frenchman the secrets of Italian. He immediately puts that knowledge into practice, as Vasseur often finds himself in the factory, among the mechanics and designers.

The Gazzetta - which can be quite critical of Ferrari at times - praises Vasseur (for now) for his accessibility, his commitment and the human relationships he manages to maintain. He talks to everyone, often with a quip in his words. In short, with Vasseur at the helm, calm has returned to Ferrari. For now, that is.