This is the penalty Aston Martin faces after breaching budget cap

Breaking News

28 October 2022 at 16:06
Last update 28 October 2022 at 16:39

Aston Martin was accused by the FIA of a procedural violation regarding the budget cap and, like Red Bull Racing, the British formation has reached a settlement with the Cost Cap Administration through an ABA (Accepted Breach Agreement). Aston Martin will only be fined US $450,000. 

The fine must be paid by Aston Martin to the FIA within 30 days. As with Red Bull, this amount will not be deducted from the budget ceiling. 

"There is no accusation or evidence that AMR has sought at any time to act in bad faith, dishonesty or in a fraudulent manner" the FIA said. According to the governing body, Aston Martin did not seek to benefit from the incorrect exclusions (of costs) or adjustments to certain costs.

The offence further included misreporting catering costs, tax credits, a new F1 simulator, wind tunnel costs and staff signing bonuses. The latter seems to be consistent with rumours that the arrival of Dan Fallows from Red Bull was related to Aston Martin's breach.

FIA reacts

Aston Martin agrees to punishment