F1 News

Andretti continues despite setbacks: 'On the F1 grid in 2024'

11 October 2022 at 06:32
Last update 11 October 2022 at 08:51
  • GPblog.com

Mario Andretti has not yet given up hope of an F1 debut for his team. Speaking to Sky Sports, the former F1 driver discusses the state of the potential new team.

Andretti has hopes of getting into Formula 1, but the sport itself is not too keen on that. Although Andretti is a big name in F1 and motorsport, the whole picture has to be right. An extra team also means less money for the current teams, and they are therefore wary of an entry of a new team.

Andretti's entry

The demands to start their own team are therefore high, but Andretti is working hard to meet them. ''I can tell you, we are working on it every single day. The objective is clear and strong and real. We are trying to meet [the criteria], we are going through the protocol. Our objectives are as strong as ever and I can tell you we like to be on the grid in 2024,'' the former F1 world champion told the British broadcaster.

''There is a lot of work going on behind the scenes, no question. Our preparation is as if we will be given the go ahead, you'll be surprised how much we have going on,'' Andretti concludes. For Colton Herta, this would also potentially mean good news. The American driver is part of Andretti and that would like to bring him to F1. However, it has become clear that Herta will have to accumulate points for a super licence.