Wolff prefers not to see new teams in F1: 'Only dilutes income'

F1 News

21 January 2022 at 10:05
Last update 21 January 2022 at 12:37
  • GPblog.com

It remains to be seen what the proportions between the Formula 1 teams will be in 2022 with the new technical rules. In any case, Toto Wolff thinks that the differences will become a lot smaller and that more teams will be able to fight for victories and even the title.

No team with big lead

In an interview with Auto Motor und Sport, Wolff elaborates on the possible gaps between teams in 2022. According to the Mercedes team boss, the cars will be very similar next season. Combined with the budget cap that has been lowered to $140 million this season, and the Austrian doesn't think one team will have a big lead over the rest of the teams. Maybe there will be some differences at the beginning, but the teams will soon be on a level playing field.

More teams vie for victory

Wolff also thinks that in the future, more teams will compete for the prizes. "I think that in the future, five or six teams can get involved in the battle for the victories," he said. According to the Mercedes team boss, it's a good development for Formula 1. "The same team doesn't always win the Superbowl either."

But, initially Wolff wasn't happy about the introduction of the budget cap as it meant the rich teams lost their advantage, However, Wolff is happy that it will end the arms race between Red Bull, Ferrari and Mercedes and make everything more balanced.

Wolff would rather not see more teams

The budget cap will make it easier for any new teams to get in the title race now that the costs are more transparent. In the past, nobody knew what it would cost to compete against top teams like Mercedes, Red Bull and Ferrari. Still, Wolff would rather not see more teams coming into the sport. "I think ten is good. More just dilutes the income."