Alonso is now the oldest Formula 1 driver, but sees this as an advantage

F1 News

16 January 2022 at 16:44
Last update 16 January 2022 at 19:25

Fernando Alonso made his comeback in Formula 1 in the year he turned 40. In the 2021 season, he proved that age wasn't a limiting factor, as the Spaniard is certainly still competitive. In fact, he says he sees his age as an advantage.

With the departure of the 42-year-old Kimi Raikkonen, Alonso is now the oldest driver on the Formula 1 grid. He himself does not see his age as a disadvantage at all. He even sees it as an advantage, as he explains in conversation with

Alonso sees getting older as an advantage

He owes that advantage to his extensive experience, not only in Formula 1, but also in other branches of motorsport in which he has now driven. As an example, he mentions the World Endurance Championship, in which he has driven with tires similar to those that will be introduced in Formula 1 in 2022.

As far as Alonso is concerned, the only drawback of getting older is the lifestyle, which demands a lot from a person. You have to have the passion to dedicate yourself fully to the sport, something that Alonso certainly does not lack. In addition, according to the two-time world champion, the cars are easier to drive than they were 15 years ago.