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Permit for Zandvoort in jeopardy after possibly incorrect nitrogen figures'

23 December 2021 at 18:22

This close to the year there may be bad news for Circuit Zandvoort. According to a report by experts for the court in North Holland, it appears that the calculation of the nitrogen emissions of the circuit is 'unclear and possibly incorrect'. Wedding and EenVandaag reported this on Thursday.

If the calculations prove to be wrong, the permit may be withdrawn. According to the experts, the existing calculations are not representative, and that is the crux of the matter. The aforementioned medium writes: 'A condition for this permit is that no more nitrogen [than before] may be deposited in the vulnerable nature area. That must be established. Various other courts have already annulled company permits after doubts about the nitrogen figures.

The circuit in Zandvoort was allocated a new permit by the municipality prior to the renovation for F1 races in 2019, but several nature organisations objected to this some time ago. They feel that hosting Formula 1 will have too great an impact on nature in and around the seaside resort.

More nitrogen?

The expert report states that 'inconsistent assumptions' were used in the permit application. The previous permit was issued in 1997, but from those years hardly any emission factors for racing cars were known. Therefore, it is very difficult to compare whether the nitrogen emissions have become lower, equal or higher with the advent of Formula 1. To be continued, no doubt...